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2023-02-02 17:45:31

Easy $15 USDT + 15 BGB Token – Exclusive Bitget Exchange Promo

Offer Summary –

  • Create an account on Bitget
  • Deposit $200 to get $10 Bonus
  • Complete first-time trade (Spot/Futures) amount of $100, and you will get a $5 coupon and 15 BGB tokens (BGB is their native token)
  • Promo expires on 24th Feb 2023.

If you have been a long-time subscriber of CoinSutra, you would know that we take pride in doing extensive research. If you had been part of CoinSutra Telegram or our Discord community, you might have saved yourself from FTX implosion and avoided UST/LUNA fiasco.

Last year, CoinSutra moved to UAE 🇦🇪 which is currently the crypto hub of the world. The government seems to be pro-crypto, and for anyone who is in crypto, this is the best place to be.

One of the reasons we moved was to stay close to the community, which helped us find a new narrative and helped us in our research.

I was also lucky to be part of some crypto events, including one hosted by Binance recently.

Binance car

This email is about an offer that is exclusive to CoinSutra subscribers.

 Bitget  (They have Lionel Messi as a brand ambassador) and are in the top 10 exchanges. They partnered with us to offer you and our other members an exclusive promo.

This is a time-sensitive promo, and you could earn up to $20 by just doing two things.

Signup for the exchange ( Here is the link )

  1. Deposit $200 USDT, and you will get a bonus of $10
  2. Complete first-time trade (Spot/Futures) amount of $100, and you will get a $5 coupon and 15 BGB tokens (BGB is their native token)

The exchange checks all the quality parameters, and if you are not happy (highly unlikely), you can always withdraw funds immediately.

Here is the promo image

This is a limited time offer, and it expires on 24th Feb 2023.

Grab BitGet Promo

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